Carmela Cleopatra Giovanna Turco Gimenez

A culinary experience from Latino America

The interviewee, Carmela Giovanna Cleopatra Turco was born in 1992 and was interviewed in 2014 by the students of "E. Amaldi" High School.

She tells her story: born in Venezuela, from an Italian father and Colombian mother, she grew up in this country until she was 14. During this period, she visited Italy several times, until 2007 when she moved to Salerno. Finally she moved to Turin, where she lives now.

Carmela explains traditions and dishes related to the Venezuelan and Colombian cultures. She also appreciates Italian cuisine, and she knows its peculiarities thanks to her Italian relatives.

Interview information

Geographic information

Country: IT

Region: Piemonte

City: Orbassano

District: TO

Altitude: 273m s.l.m.

Links and attachments


Carmela Giovanna Cleopatra Turco Jimenez

Date of birth: 10-13-1992
City: Caracas, Venezuela
School: University
Profession: Student
Languages: Italiano, español

Document by: Davide Cammarata, Davide Tucci
Video by: Erika Calati, Aurora De Leo, Beatrice Marci, Federico Murru, Federica Schimio
Created: 21-02-2014

Questo video fa parte del seguente archivio
Education on collecting memories

Education on collecting memories

The archive contains the interviews collected by university and high school students in the territory of Vercelli during the manifestation “Peoples’ celebration 2014”, which was a moment of encounter and sharing among different ethnicities and cultures. The interviews investigate the themes of gastronomic knowledge, the shock of meeting other culinary styles and the rituals that go with the meals of the young participants. The research was developed within the European project Open Discovery Space.

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