Madalina Jacob

Il Cibo a 4 Occhi: experiences from Rumenia

 Madalina Jacob, born in 1994, was interviewed for the Granaries of Memory in the project "Il Cibo a 4 Occhi" organized by the Festa dei Popoli Committee of Vercelli, the University of  Eastern Piedmont  "A. Avogadro" and the University of Gastronomic Sciences. 
 In the interview, Madalina tells about her first impact with Italian cusine and lists the foods that she misses more of the Rumenian cusine.

Interview information

Geographic information

Country: IT

Region: Piemonte

City: Vercelli

District: VC

Altitude: 130m s.l.m.

Links and attachments


Madalina Jacob

Date of birth: 05-06-1995
School: Junior High or Middle School
Profession: Student
Languages: Italiano

Document by: Il cibo a 4 occhi
Video by: Il cibo a 4 occhi
Created: 20-10-2014

Questo video fa parte del seguente archivio
Education on collecting memories

Education on collecting memories

The archive contains the interviews collected by university and high school students in the territory of Vercelli during the manifestation “Peoples’ celebration 2014”, which was a moment of encounter and sharing among different ethnicities and cultures. The interviews investigate the themes of gastronomic knowledge, the shock of meeting other culinary styles and the rituals that go with the meals of the young participants. The research was developed within the European project Open Discovery Space.

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