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Interview information


Luca Ghisolfo

Date of birth: 05-03-1979
City: Savona
School: High school or Secondary
Profession: Retailer
Languages: Italiano

Document by: Marcello Marengo
Video by: Giacomo Piumatti e Michele Fontefrancesco
Created: 25-11-2021

Questo video fa parte del seguente archivio
Slow Food Presidia

Slow Food Presidia

The collection brings together the testimonials of small producers, farmers, fishermen, shepherds, and artisans, who have fought for years for the return to the knowledge and tastes that are forever tied to marginal lands. Brought together by their will to confer universal value to the biodiversity and variety of cultures as elements directly connected with food, these men and women fight economical models proposed by large retailers who homologate everything in the name of modernity and efficiency. Archive promoted by Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity.

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