Beatrice Spera

You never breastfeed alone

Born in Novara in 1994, Beatrice is the mother of two children: the first came naturally at the age of 18 and the second six months ago, thanks to medically assisted procreation. Today, she supports those couples who wish to become pregnant and ask for assistance, through her Instagram profile, which is followed by several families as a space for medical dissemination where, by comparing and sharing related stories, she supports couples 'currently on the journey'.

Beatrice started approaching breastfeeding already with her first child, she was well aware of both the benefits and how tiring it was; she therefore decided to get involved, even though she had to stop at the beginning of the fifth month, due to some physical problems, then with her second child she gave herself another chance and succeeded, still breastfeeding peacefully.

Having the right approach is very important. The first pregnancy was dealt with completely alone, while for the second child she had the support of her father but also of a psychotherapist in PMA, who is following her even now in exclusive breastfeeding.

Beatrice says it loud and clear: you never breastfeed alone. Loved ones support you in your choices and in the emotional sphere, and midwives are important to prepare you for an informed way of handling post-pregnancy, which is an even more delicate moment than pregnancy itself.

Breastfeeding is a sacrifice but also an all-round dedication that a mother has with a child, says Beatrice. Now she has two and has to devote so much time and attention to both of them, the energy and effort invested in breastfeeding increases, but this is what we women are able to do for our children. As Beatrice states with conviction, what our bodies can do, getting to feed and nourish our babies, is a beautiful thing.

Questo video fa parte del seguente archivio
Breastfeeding: forms and practices of humanity

Breastfeeding: forms and practices of humanity

Breastfeeding is unanimously recognized by the main world health authorities as a fundamental health protection in the short, medium and long term for both the baby and the mother, offering biological, nutritional, emotional, relational and economic benefits.

The most important international scientific societies recommend giving the baby only breast milk for the first six months of life and subsequently accompanying the introduction of other foods with breastfeeding at least for the entire first year of the baby's life, but also up to two years and over if mother and child so wish.

This archive contains some testimonies of mothers and midwives aimed at deepening this theme by offering points of view anchored to individual experiences and sensitivities.

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