Silvia Tessarin

Well-being of mother and child

Silvia is a nurse, has worked in the ASL in Novara for 20 years and is the mother of three children.

The first one was breastfed for about 16 months, while the second one was not breastfed for more than four months, also because she had to take medication and supplements that she was not sure were suitable for breastfeeding. In spite of this, the child grew well, she was given breast milk and formula milk, and Silvia's family helped with tenderness, affection and solid help with feeding and practical chores. When she returned from the hospital, she especially needed to rely on the care of her mother, who looked after her and raised her from a state of initial debilitation and weakness. The well-being of the nursing mother is important for the well-being of her child.

According to Silvia, breastfeeding is important for the contact and closeness between the heartbeat of the breastfeeding mother and the suckling baby, the gazes meet and the newborn calms down, it has been in its mother's womb for nine months and almost seems to return to that secure calm, an absolute intimacy.

Interview information

Geographic information

Country: IT

Region: Piemonte

City: Novara

Document by: Martina Riina
Video by: Luca Ghiardo, Martina Riina
Created: 23-09-2023

Questo video fa parte del seguente archivio
Breastfeeding: forms and practices of humanity

Breastfeeding: forms and practices of humanity

Breastfeeding is unanimously recognized by the main world health authorities as a fundamental health protection in the short, medium and long term for both the baby and the mother, offering biological, nutritional, emotional, relational and economic benefits.

The most important international scientific societies recommend giving the baby only breast milk for the first six months of life and subsequently accompanying the introduction of other foods with breastfeeding at least for the entire first year of the baby's life, but also up to two years and over if mother and child so wish.

This archive contains some testimonies of mothers and midwives aimed at deepening this theme by offering points of view anchored to individual experiences and sensitivities.

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