Veronica Fabbris

The "warm chain" of breatfeeding

Veronica is a midwife who, after two years of freelance work, is assigned to the mother-child unit at the Maggiore della Carità hospital in Novara.

She already started to deal with breastfeeding during her freelance years, when she assisted women at home. Now she is committed to promoting breastfeeding at hospital level by leveraging a concept that is extremely important to her: the value of the ‘warm chain’, i.e. of a concatenation of supportive and supportive relationships towards the mother, ranging from the partner to the medical and health staff, who with care and affection support the hard work of feeding and care.

Questo video fa parte del seguente archivio
Breastfeeding: forms and practices of humanity

Breastfeeding: forms and practices of humanity

Breastfeeding is unanimously recognized by the main world health authorities as a fundamental health protection in the short, medium and long term for both the baby and the mother, offering biological, nutritional, emotional, relational and economic benefits.

The most important international scientific societies recommend giving the baby only breast milk for the first six months of life and subsequently accompanying the introduction of other foods with breastfeeding at least for the entire first year of the baby's life, but also up to two years and over if mother and child so wish.

This archive contains some testimonies of mothers and midwives aimed at deepening this theme by offering points of view anchored to individual experiences and sensitivities.

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