Piercarlo Grimaldi

The art of mending tradition

Piercarlo Grimaldi was a full professor at the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo-Bra, where he taught Cultural Anthropology and Anthropology of Memory. From October 2011 to September 2017 he also held the position of rector of the same university. He taught cultural anthropology, ethnography, ethnology and history of popular traditions at the University of Turin and, subsequently, at the University of Eastern Piedmont. Since 1993 he has been director of the series Documenti e Ricerca di Ethnologia Europea, published by the Omega publishing house of Turin, where he has, among other things, edited the re-edition of classic texts of Piedmontese ethnography such as those by Estella Canziani, Costantino Nigra, Giuseppe Cesare Pola- Falletti Villafalletto and Agostino Barolo.

Together with Carlo Petrini and Davide Porporato he established the "Granai della Memoria", a scientific and educational project for the multimedia archiving of life stories, inspired by his teacher Nuto Revelli. His name appears among the qualified witnesses encountered by Paolo Rumiz during his itinerary along the Po completed in 2012, the results of which are narrated in the travel book Morimondo (Feltrinelli, 2013).

Piercarlo Grimaldi has been involved in ethnographic and anthropological research along the Po river for a long time, as documented by the volume Cibo e rito (2012) and by a vast collection of video testimonies, collected by him in 2007 on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Journey along the Po Valley: in search of Mario Soldati's genuine foods. The results of this research were disclosed by the television program Il tempo e la storia during the episode broadcast on 9 October 2015.

On the occasion of his seventieth birthday, in July 2015, a substantial Festschrift (volume of writings prepared to celebrate a still living university professor) was published in his honor entitled Sentieri della memoria, in which various subjects including colleagues, friends and students are compared with the anthropological research work conducted by Piercarlo Grimaldi during his academic career.

Interview information

Geographic information

Country: IT

Region: Piemonte

City: Bra

Suburb: Pollenzo

Links and attachments


Piercarlo Grimaldi

Date of birth: 07-26-1945
City: Cossano Belbo
School: University
Profession: Teacher/Professor
Languages: Italiano



l calendario rituale contadino. Il tempo della festa e del lavoro fra tradizione e complessità sociale, Milano, Angeli, 1993.empi grassi, tempi magri. Percorsi etnografici, Torino, Omega, 1996.

  • Rivoltare il tempo. Percorsi di etno-antropologia, a cura di Piercarlo Grimaldi, Milano, Guerini e Associati, Centro Studi Cesare Pavese, 1997.
  • Bestie, santi, divinità. Maschere animali dell'Europa tradizionale, a cura di Piercarlo Grimaldi, Torino, Museo Nazionale della Montagna, 2003.
  • Il teatro della vita. Le feste tradizionali in Piemonte, a cura di Piercarlo Grimaldi e Luciano Nattino, Torino, Omega, 2009.
  • Costantino Nigra etnologo. Le opere e i giorni, a cura di Piercarlo Grimaldi e Gianpaolo Fassino, Torino, Omega, 2011.
  • Cibo e rito. Il gesto e la parola nell'alimentazione tradizionale Archiviato il 20 febbraio 2017 in Internet Archive., Sellerio, Palermo, 2012.
  • Un certo sguardo. Elementi di ricerca sul campo: il caso della Baìo di Sampeyre, a cura di Piercarlo Grimaldi, Bra, Slow Food; Pollenzo-Bra, Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche, 2012.
  • Grimaldi Piercarlo, Porporato Davide, Granai della memoria. Manuale di umanità 2.0, Bra-Pollenzo, Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche, 2012.
  • Laudatio per Ermanno Olmi, Bra, Slow Food, Pollenzo-Bra, Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche, 2014.

Document by: Marcello Marengo
Video by: Davide Porporato, Giacomo Piumatti
Created: 09-04-2024

Questo video fa parte del seguente archivio
University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo

University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo

The University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo, founded in 2004 by the international organization Slow Food,in cooperation with the Italian regions of Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna, is a government-recognized, private non-profit institution. The university trains gastronomes, new professional figures with multi-disciplinary skills and knowledge in the fields of science, culture, politics, economics and ecology of food, working to apply them to production, distribution and sustainable consumption. The keystone of what can be defined as a gastronome is the profound understanding of food as a value and its important role in creating and shaping society.

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