Giorgio Pretti

Breastfeeding is our goal

Giorgio Pretti, an expert in preventive medicine and public health, is the current head of the network of advice centres in the province of Novara.

He relates that the promotion and protection of breastfeeding are the main objectives of the ASL in terms of prevention and good health of mother and child, and this can only happen with systematic and structural support from the health institution. Crucial in this regard is the collaboration with the local hospitals and with the Family Centre, a municipal space that provides welcome and guidance to those who turn to it, a free-access user who is then guided and directed towards the health advisory centre.

Interview information

Geographic information

Country: IT

Region: Piemonte

City: Novara

Document by: Martina Riina
Video by: Luca Ghiardo, Martina Riina
Created: 23-09-2023

Questo video fa parte del seguente archivio
Breastfeeding: forms and practices of humanity

Breastfeeding: forms and practices of humanity

Breastfeeding is unanimously recognized by the main world health authorities as a fundamental health protection in the short, medium and long term for both the baby and the mother, offering biological, nutritional, emotional, relational and economic benefits.

The most important international scientific societies recommend giving the baby only breast milk for the first six months of life and subsequently accompanying the introduction of other foods with breastfeeding at least for the entire first year of the baby's life, but also up to two years and over if mother and child so wish.

This archive contains some testimonies of mothers and midwives aimed at deepening this theme by offering points of view anchored to individual experiences and sensitivities.

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